personal, film jessica love personal, film jessica love

more film, more my kids!

it's my blog, so while, technically I can do whatever I want, I kiiinda feel like I should be sharing weddings. I'm about booked up for 2017, though, so I am just going to do what feels awesome and share some personal work I've been shooting.

I don't know what crazy thing made me fall head over heels into film. Oh wait. I do. I have fallen for film because, as a wedding photographer, it's incredibly easy to come away from a wedding with 2000 photos shot, only to cull those down to anywhere from 800-1200 for a final gallery for a couple (which is still an insane amount of images!). It felt inauthentic. I needed a way to get back to really being present. To understanding that each moment I get to capture should be worth pushing that shutter.

That being said, I'm blowing through film like crazy each week trying to get better and better. BUT! it's still slowed me in a way I'm deeply grateful for. Sawyer on the floor playing with Coco? How many options do I really need? One, the answer is one.

I'm so so excited to get to offering clients film sessions. To be present in each moment with my wonderful couples and families (I'll start with families and engagement sessions!). Stay tuned for some of those coming soon!

For now, check out how we'd spent some of the last weeks of summer!

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2016 Mini Sessions!

Heyyyoooo! So while I love this wedding shooting job of mine, It leaves me zero time to add on very many extra sessions. I call it work / life balance, and I've definitely learned to just say no!

BUT! I would be missing a large part of my passion if I didn't offer mini while I have *just* ONE SATURDAY off until mid-November, I am going to just open it up to a few families who want sessions.

Here's the Details:






so once they're gone they're gone. I've added below, that you can actually save your spot. The fine print:

Deposit holds your spot, and is non refundable due to client cancellation. In the case of inclement weather, deposit will be applied towards rescheduled date, or returned, if the schedule doesn't work. Remainder of payment ($250) due at shoot.

Readyyyyyy, GO!

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wedding jessica love wedding jessica love

Courtney + Nick | married!

Looking back on this wedding, I love it more than I did when I was shooting it. Courtney, and her beautifully unique dress are so perfect! The flowers from Rose Bredl, all the heart eyes!! These two are so fun and goofy to be around, I'm so grateful to have had the chance to work with them! Enjoy!

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wedding jessica love wedding jessica love

2017 brides: I'm talking to you!

SO here's the thing. The future is now. I can think, overthink, and then overthink some more about what I want to do with my business, and where I want it to be in a year, two years...ORRRRR I can ACT.

This next wedding year, 2017, will see drastic changes in my business model. As in: I will no longer take everything that comes my way. I am downgrading the number of weddings I will shoot in a year from 30 (THIRTY! WHAT AM I CRAZY!?!) to maximum 20. What's this mean? Right? Are you wondering that? Less talky, more get to the pointy?

I want more substance. I'm a bit afraid to write this, and make it known, because I don't want to be little the work I've done up until now. I have loved, and felt incredibly HONORED to be a part of each and every single wedding I've photographed. I adore all my previous couples...but where I want to go from here is to couples who have a vision that matches mine. Who don't see their wedding day memories to be constrained by a 6 hour window. I want to spend days with my couples. I want to be there for everything, and nothing. I want my brides to put their dress on when it's best for them, not a half hour before they need to rush to see their future husband. I want to watch the bride's niece or nephew struggle to get dressed in their cute little get up (that was, no doubt, planned for for MONTHS!), without sighs from anyone else feeling like there isn't time for this.

How amazing does that sound!? If you're a potential bride here reading this, and you're like YESSSSS! I AM DOWN WITH THIS! Then, email me immediately. Like, really. I'm in the starting out phases of this, and what that means to you, is a really great deal.

I'll be sharing more of my thoughts about this over in this space. As well as the goodness I'm shooting this year. For now you'll have to follow along on instagram (@_jessicalovephotography) or juuuuust trust me. It's all good, and I can't wait for you to see!

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personal, film jessica love personal, film jessica love

film is not dead

I'm super excited I've been shooting (so much, oh my gosh so much) film lately, and only after this long realizing, I can share these on my blog, instead of bombarding instagram with images of my kids. (not that I think there's anything wrong with that, but I'm just not a big fan of doing that)

What initially drew me into wanting to try film (again) was the way the images looked, the color, the tones. What's caused me to become hooked is the authenticity behind it. The attention to detail, being completely present in the moment, and shooting for that one great snap. I'm excited to continue to grow - I signed up for the Embrace the Grain workshop that starts tomorrow!

On to some images! These are all taken with my 200 *ok I'm exaggerating* year old Rebel G camera (I have a EOS 3 to arrive in the mail today, I can't wait), with my L series, and Sigma lenses. I decided to upgrade to a new body because the photos were just not sharp - and I know it isn't my lenses, as they work perfectly with my digital body. I edit my digital images with film based presets, but I'm quickly learning there's nothing like the real thing. Portra 400 is my favorite. I'm sending in some rolls from vacation (vacation! I can't wait to share these) including Fuji Velvia 50, and Portra 160. I can't, can't, can't wait!

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